An Easy 8-Step Quarantine Skin Care Plan for You - Seaside Medical Technologies An Easy 8-Step Quarantine Skin Care Plan for You - Seaside Medical Technologies

An 8-Step Self Care Plan for Your Skin in Quarantine

May 24, 2020

skin care self-care quarantine


You may be surprised to learn that the largest organ of the body isn't your intestines, or your brain; it's your SKIN. The smooth, dry surface layering which protects our inner most 'vital' organs, has the ability to breathe, absorb nutrients, radiate energy and tell a story of lives lived in its sheath.  Yet, during quarantine amidst all other salient matters in life, our skin sadly, has taken a backseat. For many of us staying in shelter means days can go by before we apply any make up and not much thought goes into taking care of our skin.  "We are at an existential crisis point in history, so why should I care about how my skin looks?" You may ask yourself.  The answer to that question is simply put: your amazing skin is what holds all your other body parts together.  It's continuously working to prevent your body from infection and illness and plays a major role in maintaining the immune system.  Think about the story of Vitamin D.  Research shows that persons with vitamin D deficiency have a greater challenge fighting off viruses.  This molecule is synthesized within the deep layers of skin in response to sunlight.  How cool is that? I don't need any more convincing, now let's go take care of your skin.  

Dr. Yazdani's 8-step quarantine skin care routine to get ahead of troubled skin. (Note, this list isn't exclusive or inclusive, feel free to add more steps as you like according to your individual skin's needs.)

1. Hydrate Well

2. Wear Mineral-based SPF 50-80

3. Cleanse and Tone Regularly 

4. Moisturize Daily 

5. Sun Exposure At Appropriate Times 

6. Extra Measures i.e Masks, Facials, Saunas 

7. Balanced Nutrition 

8. Home Mani & Pedi's 

Yours Truly,

Seaside Medical Technologies


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